Vibro Separator & Filter

Vibro Separator et Filter

Over 70 Years Powder Milling and Molringing Processing Equipment and Turnkey Project Manufacturer |Mill Powder Tech

Vibro Separator & Filter (LK Series)

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Vibro Separator et Filter / LK Series
Vibro Separator et Filter / LK Series

Vi concussione eliquare petitionem particulae magnitudinis, maxime 4 magnitudinum particulae cum 4 stratis screen potest procedere.
Velox in scrinio subrogando.

  • Cuivis pulveris granulosi et liquidi convenit.
  • Facilis operatio et pulvis non evolare.
  • Screen cito mutari potuit.


LK-450A(Single Outlet)


Exemplar Motor
Sieve Size
(L*W*H mm)
Layer Pondus
LK-450(A) 1/2 440 470*630*910 1 44
LK-450(B) 1/2 440 450*630*630 (SUS Frame) 1 44
LK-450(C) 1/2 440 450*630*630 (Wood Frame) 1 44
LK-D(1S) 3/4 460 500*D*620 1 105
LK-D(2S) 3/4 460 500*D*740 2 135
LK-D(3S) 3/4 460 500*D*860 3 165
LK-600(1S) 1 Ø550 600*600* 710 1 135
LK-600(2S) 1 Ø550 600*600*880 2 155
LK-600 (3S) 1 Ø550 600*600* 1010 3 165
LK-800(1S) 1 760 900* 900*710 1 175
LK-800(2S) 1 760 920*920*930 2 225
LK-800(3S) 1 760 920*920*1080 3 275
LK-M(1S) 2 930 1180*1180*780 1 287
LK-1000(2S) 2 930 1180*1180*930 2 359
LK-M(3S) 2 930 1180*1180*1080 3 428
LK-1200(1S) 2 1/2 1150 1380*1380*780 1 358
LK-1200(2S) 2 1/2 1150 1380*1380*1140 2 488
LK-1200(3S) 2 1/2 1150 1380*1380*1380 3 593
LK - 1500(1S) 3 1358 1680*1680*1080 1 638
LK - 1500(2S) 3 1358 1680*1680*1260 2 792
LK - 1500 (3S) 3 1358 1680*1680*1420 3 944

Secundum varias notas materiae et armorum, notitia mutaretur.

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